Running Analysis

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What does a running analysis at Brill Physical Therapy consist of?

On your first session, we will perform an initial evaluation that consists of:

  • Past Running History

  • History of any injuries

  • Analysis of footwear

  • Full Lower Body Strength and Flexibility Assessment

  • Functional Movement Assessment

  • Recording of Running on a Treadmill

On the second session, we will review a detailed running analysis which will consist of:

  • Running Cadence (steps per minute)

  • Stance time

  • Any asymmetries between right and left leg

  • Angle measurements of your hip, knee and ankle at varying phases of the running cycle

Between the two sessions, you will receive an exercise program tailored to any deficits revealed during the evaluation and running cues that you can implement into your training sessions.

Who will benefit from a Running Analysis?

At Brill Physical Therapy, we believe anyone is a candidate for a running analysis.  Whether you are currently a runner, run as part of other athletics or want to start running for the first time, you will benefit from a running analysis.  An individualized program will be designed for your specific needs and goals.

How will I benefit from a Running Analysis?

An analysis of your running, can help us identify any faulty mechanics that may be causing you pain or lead to pain down the road.  An analysis is also a useful tool to optimize your form for more efficient performance on race day. 

If you have any questions, feel free to call the office at 212-333-7224 or contact our Therapist Anthony Tripodi at