New Moms get well at Brill Physical Therapy!

Did you know that physical therapy can help out post-partum mothers?

What is pelvic rehab?

Pelvic rehabilitation is a type of physical therapy that can be very helpful for postpartum moms. Pregnancy and childbirth can damage the pelvic floor muscles and connective tissue, causing all kinds of inconvenient and uncomfortable symptoms for women after they give birth.

The pelvic floor muscles stretch between the pubic bone and the tailbone and cradle your bladder, bowel, and uterus, helping you control your urine, bowel movements, and sexual functioning.

More specifically, the pelvic floor muscles enable you to keep urine and feces in – and release them – when you need to. They also help you contract and relax your vagina during sex.

When the pelvic floor muscles are tight or weak, they can cause annoying symptoms or even pain. A pelvic floor physical therapist (PT) can evaluate these muscles and determine whether they’re contributing to your symptoms.

If they are, the PT can work on the muscles and connective tissue to release trigger points – areas where the tissues are stuck together instead of sliding easily around each other. PT’s also train you to do exercises at home to help relax muscles that are tight and strengthen muscles that are weak.


Run without injuries

The increased awareness of aerobic exercise to maintain a healthy lifestyle has made running more popular than ever. It is an excellent form of exercise, recreation, and also a great community builder for people of all age groups, interests, and activity levels. When done properly, running can improve physical fitness and coordination as well as physical and emotional development. As the number of people engaged in these activities grows, increased incidences of running injuries naturally occur.

Over the next five weeks the Brill Physical Therapy team will provide you with information about the most common running injuries, and how to best avoid them.

Walking vs. running

Running is distinguished from walking by increased velocity, or distance traveled per unit time and the presence of an airborne or float phase. Judges in race walking determine that participants are running illegally if they observe a period of time when both feet are off the ground. During a running gait cycle, there are two periods of float when neither foot is in contact with the ground.

Differences between running and walking

  • Increased velocity

  • Increased ground reaction forces

  • Float phase

  • No double stance phase

  • Decreased stance phase and increased swing phase

  • Overlap of swing phase rather than stance phase

  • Requires more range of motion of all lower limb joints

  • Requires greater eccentric muscle contraction

  • Initial contact varies, depending on speed

  • Decreased center of gravity with increased speed

  • Decreased base of support

Warning signs

  • Pain while running

  • Soreness and swelling

  • Pain at rest

  • Limping

How to prevent running injuries?

  • Flexibility is key – Whether you prefer the good, old fashioned stretching, or you’re more into foam rolling, it should be part of your training/exercise routine. Spend about 20-30 seconds on each muscle group around your hips, and lower leg. Don’t rush, take your time!

  • Strength training – It’s not just about looking good. Strength training can improve running performance, balance, and so many more! The exercises should incorporate both exercises for your upper extremities, trunk, and lower body. Weight lifting, plyometric and hill running are all effective methods of increasing strength.

  • Warm up and cool down – Yes, it’s important to start slow, and to take your time in the end. The faster your workout or race, the longer warm up needed. A 10-15 min warm up can help preventing delayed muscle soreness.

  • Hydration – We all know the feeling of the first warm days, and how good it feels to finally get out of the gym, off the treadmill, straight to the park. And most of us also know that heat exhaustion and dehydration is no joke. Take in 6-8 ounces of fluids every 15-20 minutes of exercise.

  • Take it slow – Gradually increase your mileage. Increases in training volume, duration and intensity should be around increase of 5-10% per week

  • Cross train and rest – Cross training helps maintaining your aerobic fitness while avoiding excessive impact forces from too much running. Including rest days in your training schedule allows your body to recover and adapt to a running workout.

  • Proper footwear – Last but not least, we have to highlight the importance of proper footwear. It’s common sense that nobody tries to start training for a marathon in high heels, but there is much more you need to know and consider, before you choose your shoes. The type of shoe you need varies depending upon your foot type and style of running. A store that specializes in athletic footwear can help you figure out what style might be the best for you.

Most common running injuries

  • Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome

  • Shin Splints

  • Achilles tendonitis

  • Iliotibial Band Syndrome

  • Plantar Fasciitis

Relief from Chronic Fatigue Syndrome- Finally! The Perrin Technique arrives at Brill PT

World-renowned lecturer and researcher from Manchester, England, Dr. Raymond Perrin taught his Perrin Technique again at Brill Physical Therapy. Dr. Perrin has spent years breaking ground for patients with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome.  Dr. Perrin passionately and kind-heartedly offers a cure for this daunting condition.

At Brill Physical Therapy, both Shelly Genova and Peggy Brill are now certified in The Perrin Technique and have been getting good results with the treatment.  By combining Manual Lymphatic Drainage and Craniosacral Techniques, the built up toxins in the system can begin to drain and healing can start.

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS) / Myalgic Encephalomyelitis (ME)

Symptoms of CFS:

  1. Generalized abnormal muscle fatigue that occurs after mild activity

  2. Sleep disturbance

  3. Headache

  4. Cognitive dysfunction

  5. Depression

  6. Increased sensitivity to light and sound

  7. Back pain

  8. Neck pain

  9. Sore throat

  10. Irritable bowel

  11. rritable bladder

  12. Chronic fatigue not relieved with rest

If you have been diagnosed with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Fibromyalgia, or Epstein-Barr Virus, then please seek a trained Perrin Technique Physical Therapist and read Dr. Perrin’s book, The Perrin Technique.

Life In Balance

Life in Balance with Donnie Desanti

Donnie Desanti is a certified health coach. Over the years he has helped many people identify their concerns with their eating habits and helped them create diet plans to suit their schedule, budget, and personality. Donnie helps clients set and achieve their dietary goals.

“First, when I was diagnosed with ADHD at the early age of nine, I was expected to take a daily prescription of Ritalin, a medication that made me feel embarrassed and broken. After seven years of tolerating the side effects, I decided to take matters into my own hands. By studying the effects that different foods had on my body, I changed my diet and eliminated the need for medication. I am proud to say that that “wild child” has now been medication free since 1993. “

Brill Physical Therapy is excited to announce that Donnie Desanti will be coming to our Madison Avenue office to talk to us about eating and living healthy! Join us tomorrow at 6pm to chat with Donnie about your dietary concerns.

Make sure to stay connected!

Take Care of Your Heart

“My Mother died of a heart attack at 64 years old. She had her workout clothes lying on her made-bed 50 feet away when she dropped dead brushing her teeth. And it can happen so suddenly. I treat EVERY muscle in the body except the most important – YOUR HEART so please tend to it lovingly! And know the signs and symptoms since women often experience heart attacks slightly different than men.

Stay strong and be well. Always with love,


Seven Top Heart Attack Warning Signs That Women Should Never Ignore

There are seven top heart attack warning signs that women should never ignore even though a heart attack could happen to any individual, man or woman either one at any time. In fact the American Heart Association states that one hits a person just over every 30 seconds. Even though heart attacks might not be as common in females as they are males, heart disease is the top killer of women in the United States and unless a person is on the lookout for heart attack symptoms in women and then gets to a medical facility, the consequences can be fatal.

A new research report states that over 38,100 women who are under the age of 50 are suffering from heart attacks every year in America. That is a large number so people must be alert that heart problems might be confused with numerous other issues. Because of such, it is greatly recommended that individuals learn what heart attack symptoms are in women in order to help better prepare just in case.

The top seven heart attack warning signs that women should not ignore are listed below.

Jaw Pain

During a heart attack, some individuals might have jaw pain. This is due to nerves attached to the jaw are connected to the same ones that come from the heart. If the pain comes and goes and gets worse when a person is being active, it is most likely heart related. However, if the pain remains constant, then it is most likely related to gum or tooth pain.

Burning discomfort in the chest

This is one of the most common signs of a looming heart attack. The chest starts to feel heavy or there might be a squeezing feeling along with the sensation of pressure being placed on the area. This can be caused by indigestion or heartburn but a person can never be too alert. It is recommended to go visit a doctor to make sure there is not a serious problem with the heart. Additionally, if there is nausea, then that is all the more reason to rush to a physician.

Having shortness of breath or a racing heart

Another sign of a heart attack that is common is shortness of breath, or the heart is racing. Sometimes this is a panic attack, and it can be hard to tell the difference. Women’s heart attacks tend to cause shortness of breath which begin slowly, and may linger for a while. A panic attack will only cause shortness of breath for about five minutes. Still it is best to see a doctor to be sure.

Tingling in the legs and arms

A tingling sensation in the arms and/or legs is not the best way to tell if a heart attack is coming, but it does not ever need to be ignored. In many circumstances, this is arthritis, but it could also be the sign of a coming heart attack.

Having a feeling of dizziness

If a person feels dizzy for no obvious reason, that might mean that there is not enough blood being pumped through the body by the heart. This feeling is also connected with shortness of breath, so if a person is experiencing both, the signs are very clear of what might be ready to happen at any time.

Feeling extremely fatigued

If an individual feels weak when walking, and has to rest, then it may mean that there is not enough blood being transported to the heart quick enough. This is an obvious sign of an impending heart attack, and one should get help immediately.

Having to vomit

An upcoming heart attack may lead to nausea and/or vomiting. This is usually with having a cold sweat and shortness of breath.

Even though both men and women may experience chest pressure which could feel like an elephant sitting on the chest, women may experience a heart attack without any chest pressure. Instead they might have the shortness of breath, pain or pressure in the chest or abdomen, dizziness, fainting, light-headedness, upper back pressure or extreme fatigue.

So if anyone experiences any of the above symptoms, please go get medical attention immediately. Remember that a heart attack hits a person just over every 30 seconds.

By Kimberly Ruble


The Courier Journal

Tech Times

The Spectrum

Protect Your Back When Shoveling

As another blizzard just hit New York, Brill Physical Therapy collected some useful tips to keep your back safe, while clearing the sidewalk, or your driveway.

First and foremost warm up is important, especially for muscles of your low back and hamstrings before going outside to shovel snow. The reason is that cold muscles are more prone to injury. One option is to start by placing a hot water bottle or heating pad on your lower back for 10 to 15 minutes, followed by some light exercises, such as bridges, squats, heel raises, cat-cow, etc., to increase blood-flow to the desired muscle groups. Then stretch the hamstrings gently by sitting at the edge of a chair, straighten one leg in front of the body with the heel on the floor. Then, sit up straight and bend forward. Hold this stretch for 30 seconds.

Secondly, choosing the right shovel is crucial. This can help to take some of the effort out of snow removal by allowing you stand straighter and lessen stress on your back. Consider using a shovel with curved handle. If the length of the handle is also adjustable, that’s even better. This will minimize the degree to which you need to bend forward when shoveling. The weight of the shovel is another factor to consider.

Thirdly, pay careful attention to your form. Bend at your hips and knees, and make sure that you keep your core muscles engaged, while you lift with your leg muscles, rather than your back. Avoid twisting your torso to move the snow to its new location, always pivot your whole body to face the new direction. Keep your loads light.

Last but not least, slow down. Slipping on snow or ice is a serious concern, and can lead to serious injuries, such as concussion, or spinal fractures, etc. Be sure that you spread sand, rock salt, sawdust, or kitty litter on your driveway and walkways to improve traction, and wear appropriate footwear with good treads.

Enhance your ski performance while avoiding injuries with The Core Program

Skiing is a very popular recreational winter activity.  Participation is quickly growing, and with that, ski-related injuries are also increasing.  Skiing requires sustained contractions of large muscle groups, which can quickly fatigue.  That's why it's important to properly condition yourself before you head out on the slopes.  The main muscle groups to focus on are: the quadriceps (muscles in the front of your thighs), gluteal muscles (muscles in your buttocks), and the muscles of your core (muscles that stabilize your spine). The Core Program and a few additional exercises will help you strengthen the correct muscle groups, as well as improve your ski technique and stamina.  Here are four exercises to get you started.

Squats will give you the strength you need to sustain an efficient ski posture; i.e. keeping your weight forward, skis parallel, and hips, knees and ankles bent as you're skiing down the slope. 

Start with your feet slightly wider than shoulder-width apart, and your abdominals pulled up and in.  Bend your knees, keeping your feet flat, hips back, chest up, and knees tracking over your second toes. Lower until your thighs are close to parallel with the floor and hold for 10-12 seconds, focusing on your core muscles. As you straighten, tighten your glutes and lengthen your back.  Repeat 15-20 times. To challenge yourself more, hold the squat until you fatigue, or perform power squats (adding a jump into the squat), repeating until the muscles fatigue.  

Single leg squats are just like the regular squats, except you are standing on one leg which requires good balance and engagement of your core.  

Stand on one leg and rest one hand lightly on a solid structure (a counter or piece of heavy furniture), using the hand support for balance at first then eliminating it once you're able to maintain your balance. Keeping your pelvis level (abdominals pulled in will help with this), your standing foot flat on the floor, and the standing knee tracking over second toe, bend your standing knee slowly while tightening your core. Perform 2 sets of 10 on each foot.

Lateral squats 

Start out standing with feet together. Take a large step out to the side and drop into a squat, while making sure that your pelvis stays level and your knees are in line with your second toes.  Squat down until your thighs are almost parallel to the ground then return to the starting position.  Alternate sides for each rep. Do 3 sets of 16 reps.

Push-ups with emphasis on the core

Place your fists or palms shoulder width apart, and extend legs straight out behind you.  Tighten your abdominals, lengthen the back of your neck and tuck your chin in.  Bend your elbows and bring your chest towards the floor keeping your spine straight.  Make sure to not arch or round your back. Be sure to tighten your abdominals and squeeze your buttocks to engage the core.  Do as many as you can while keeping the proper form. If your abdominal muscles fatigue, stop the exercise before your low back starts to sag. Do 2 sets of 15 reps to start, and work your way up to 3 sets.

If you experience pain with any of the exercises, perform in a more comfortable range and if pain continues, stop the exercise and consult a physical therapist.

Happy and safe skiing!


Brill Physical Therapy Treats Pregnant Women with Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

Why am I having tingling and numbness in my hands during pregnancy?

These sensations are most likely caused by carpal tunnel syndrome. Although you probably associate this condition with people whose jobs require repetitive hand movements (such as data processors, computer programmers, and assembly-line workers), it’s also more prevalent in pregnant women.

Symptoms may include numbness, tingling, pain, or a dull ache in the fingers, hand, or wrist. These symptoms tend to come and go and are often worse at night. Occasionally, the discomfort may even extend to the forearm and upper arm. In severe or chronic cases, your hand may feel clumsy or weak.

Symptoms usually affect both hands and can appear at any time, but they’re more likely to begin or worsen in the second half of pregnancy when women tend to retain more fluid. The symptoms usually go away gradually after you give birth, as the swelling from pregnancy subsides.

What causes carpal tunnel syndrome during pregnancy?

The carpal tunnel is a bony canal formed by the wrist bones on three sides and a ligament that runs across the wrist on the other. The fluid retention and swelling that’s so common during pregnancy can increase the pressure in this relatively narrow and inflexible space, compressing the median nerve that runs through it.

The median nerve gives sensation to the thumb and the index, middle, and half of the ring finger and is responsible for movement of a muscle at the base of the thumb. Pressure on this nerve causes the symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome.

Carpal tunnel is very common in pregnant women. Here are a few exercises to help get instant relief for your wrist!

Congenital Muscular Torticollis

What is it?

Congenital Muscular Torticollis (CMT) is a term used for a situation in which an infant has a tightening in their neck muscles, primarily on one side. This will cause them to often have their head rotated and tilted to one side, and is most easily seen when your baby is lying in their crib or in their stroller.


What causes it?

While doctors aren’t 100% sure what causes CMT, there are several factors that may  redispose a baby to developing the condition. Babies born at higher birth weights and/or to more petite mothers, as well as multiple births are most at risk, due to crowding in the womb. However, these factors do not guarantee that a child will have CMT. In short, you have done nothing wrong, as these factors are usually outside of your control.

What should I do if I suspect my child might have CMT?

Ample amounts of tummy time are vital to helping your child minimize, or even prevent developing CMT. Current recommendations advise a total of one hour of tummy time, broken up throughout the day. Younger infants might only be able to tolerate a few minutes before getting tired, but frequent practice will quickly help a child develop a stronger neck.

If you’re concerned that your child might have a preference with which side they turn to, you should talk to your child’s pediatrician and follow up with a trained physical therapist. Early intervention is the best step to prevent the problem from getting worse.


What does physical therapy for CMT involve?
At Brill Physical Therapy, we are trained to treat infants with CMT. Your first session will be comprised of a comprehensive evaluation to determine your child’s individual needs. Sessions usually include a combination of stretching and massaging tight muscles, as well as positioning exercises to help your child get stronger. All families receive a home program to make sure all parents and caregivers are comfortable performing necessary exercises at home. Earlier treatment usually results in shorter treatment times, so don’t hesitate to contact us if you have any concerns!

Brill Physical Therapy Treats Pelvic Floor

Although it is hidden from view, your pelvic floor muscles can be consciously controlled and therefore trained, much like your arm, leg or abdominal muscles. Strengthening your pelvic floor muscles will help to improve bladder and bowel control, and reduce the likelihood of accidentally leaking from your bladder or bowel. Brill Physical Therapy adds pelvic floor training with all our core strengthening exercise to prevent future problems for our patients.

In order to understand how physical therapy helps pelvic pain or incontinence one needs a quick introduction to the pelvic floor. The pelvic floor is literally the floor of the pelvis and like any floor, it needs to be strong enough to support anything that is resting on it. In women it is the bladder, uterus and bowel and, in men it is the bladder, prostate and bowel. The added complication of this floor is that it has to be both strong and flexible at the same time.  In addition, it has to be able to relax to let urine and bowel movements through, and perform important functions during sexual activities and orgasm. Finally, for women, it has to be able to stretch an incredible amount during childbirth.

Benefits from pelvic floor training:

  • Improve bladder and bowel control

  • Reduce risk of prolapse

  • Faster recovery from childbirth

  • Quicker rehabilitationafter gynaecological surgery

  • Improve recovery after prostate surgery

  • Increase quality of life and social confidence

Risk Factors and Groups:

  • Pregnant or Postnatal

  • Ever had a baby

  • Menopause

  • Gynaecological Surgery

  • Prostate Surgery

  • Elite Athletes - doing high intensity/endurance training

Signs of a pelvic floor problem:

  • Accidentally leaking urine when you exercise, laugh, cough or sneeze

  • Needing to get to the toilet in a hurry or not making it there in time

  • Constantly needing to go to the toilet

  • Accidentally losing your control of your bladder or bowel

  • Finding it difficult to empty your bladder or bowel

  • Pain in your pelvic area or

  • Pain with sexual intercourse

  • Prolapse

    • In women, this may be felt as a bulge in the vagina or a feeling of heaviness, discomfort, pulling, dragging or dropping

    • In men this may be felt as a bulge in the rectum or a feeling of needing to defecate but not actually needing to go

Common Misconceptions:

  • The only group who need pelvic floor training are women after childbirth
    The truth is that pelvic floor training can help with patients experiencing a big variety of symptoms: urinary incontinence, difficulties in urination, bowel incontinence, constipation, abdominal pain, low back/Sacroiliac Joint pain, sexual dysfunction, pelvic or coccyx pain, vaginal or rectal pain, penile or testicular pain, as well as men and women prior to or after having pelvic surgery.

  • Pelvic floor muscle exercises are done by stopping the flow of urine over the toilet
    The truth is this is not an exercise, but merely one way to identify your pelvic floor muscles.

  • If a person has already had surgery or is planning to have surgery, pelvic physical therapy won’t help them.
    Brill Therapists usually work closely with surgeons to help patients achieve optimal recovery. Surgery will often correct an anatomical problem, but it is important to have improved muscular control and function to help a person attain optimal outcomes after surgery. Research has shown that physical therapy prior to and after surgery improves patient outcomes as well as reduces the need for future surgery.

  • I don’t have any of these problems, so I don’t need to do pelvic floor exercises
    Everyone (including women who haven't had a baby, and men) can benefit from doing pelvic floor muscle exercises.
    For women, pelvic floor muscle training is important to control incontinence which may or may not start during pregnancy. Pelvic floor muscle exercises done during pregnancy will help the recovery of pelvic floor muscle function and bladder control after giving birth as well as assist in efficiency of deliver your baby.
    For men, pelvic floor muscles not only help to control the bladder and bowel but they also assist in sexual function.

  • Strong Pelvic Floor muscles are making birthing more difficult
    Research shows that strong pelvic floor muscles may ease the birthing process and aide in a quicker recovery from both vaginal and caesarian delivery.

What to expect and how can Brill Physical Therapy help?

The first appointment at Brill Physical Therapy includes an interview and discussion about your experience, including your symptoms as well as medical history and lifestyle. Pelvic floor therapists are trained to be sensitive to how personal and intimate these topics and this part of your body can be. The therapist will then evaluate your posture, back and hips and they also explain how Brill Physical Therapy can help.
To complete the assessment, your Physical Therapist may need to conduct an internal exam. Internal examination helps to get a full sense of the strength and flexibility of your pelvic floor muscles, ligaments and fascia. For women, this will be through the vagina. For men and also some women, the exam is done rectally.  In some cases an internal exam is not necessary or possible.
Brill Physical Therapy has 22 years of experience success fully treating pelvic floor and our therapists consider pelvic floor function with every exercise they prescribe.

Call Brill PT today at 212-333-7224 or 212-325-0961 or email

What Can Physical Therapy Do For Spinal Cord Injuries?

This article in the Wall Street Journal exhibits the power of physical therapy and the positive, life-changing, effect it can have on someone’s life.

A new study shows that people paralyzed by spinal cord injuries can regain some voluntary movement in their legs with a combination of electrical stimulation and intensive physical therapy.

Read this extraordinary story in the Wall Street Journal.

What Does A Hip Replacement Cost You?

As of July 2013, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, a total of 332,000 hip replacements are performed each year.  Therefore, Brill Physical Therapy thought this NY Times article comparing costs of hip surgery may be of interest to many of you.

Check out this great article published in the New York Times on August 4th 2013.  Can you believe these numbers!

Tips For Ski Season!

With ski season well under way, and the increased popularity of skiing drawing more and more skiers to the slopes, here is what you need to know to help decrease your risk of injury.

  1. Novice skiers are 33% more likely to be injured compared to intermediate or expert skiers; therefore taking a lesson is advised.

  2. Keep yourself conditioned during the off season.  Skiing requires sustained contractions of large muscles which can really tire you out and increase your chance of injury.

  3. Update your ski equipment.  There have been a lot of advances over the past 30 years and with that a drastic drop in injury rates.  The developments of wider and shaped skis have been found to be easier to use, especially by a beginner, since they require less energy to turn.  The boot design allows the ankle to be better secured and bindings to be adjustable based on your skill level (novice skiers should wear bindings that easily release from the boot to prevent injury).

  4. Know the terrain and ski within your ski level.

Despite adhering to the above recommendations, a ski injury may occur.  Most injuries occur to the ligament located on the inner side of your knee called your MCL (medial collateral ligament).  It can be sprained from a twisting fall or when a beginner snow plows for a long time.  Another knee ligament that is commonly injured is the ACL (anterior cruciate ligament) due to a backward fall or twist as in “catching an edge”.  If you rupture the ACL you will probably need surgery to repair it followed by physical therapy.  There has been some literature recently which has shown that if you mildly tear it, with the appropriate treatment, surgery can be avoided.

Some common upper extremity injuries include shoulder dislocation and injury to a ligament of the thumb (ulnar collateral ligament) which is second in frequency of injury to the MCL.  Using poles with straps are recommended to avoid this thumb injury.  PT can help strengthen the shoulder complex after a dislocation but surgery maybe needed if dislocation reoccurs.  The thumb can most often be treated with a protective cast.

Be careful on the slopes! If you do have an injury, make sure to ice, use compression, elevate, and seek medical help if necessary. Now that you know all the essentials, you are ready to hit the slopes. Have an amazing and safe skiing season!

Common Knee Surgery Does Very Little for Some, Study Suggests

Physical therapy is becoming more and more recognized nowadays.

Physical therapy can mobilize the knee for better alignment which often allows the meniscus to heal.

On The Dr. Oz Show, Dr. Oz talked about how he was unable to tolerate standing while performing surgery  because of his severe knee pain.  Ten days prior to his scheduled knee surgery for his meniscal tear, he had one visit to physical therapist, Peggy Brill, and received immediate relief, did his three prescribed exercises, and never had the knee surgery.   These results are more common than you would think.  Make sure to visit your physical therapist at Brill Physical Therapy.

 Make sure to check out this great article in the NY Times!

Curious about shoulder pain and impingement?

Read this article written by Brill’s own Sarah Sittenreich

Why am I having shoulder pain when I reach above my head?

It may be a condition known as shoulder impingement. The shoulder joint is formed where the humerus meets the shoulder blade (the “ball” meeting the “socket”). There is a space where this connection is made, allowing several tendons and burase to lie here. Several factors, such as poor posture and excessive time at the computer can cause this space to narrow, putting pressure on these structures. This in turn leads to inflammation, pain, and weakening of the muscles that are meant to prevent this compression. These muscles, known collectively as the rotator cuff, are necessary to properly stabilize your shoulder as you reach overhead.

Symptoms of shoulder impingement may include pain when reaching behind your back or overhead for high shelves, as well as pain with carrying heavy objects and lying on your side.

What can I do to manage my shoulder impingement?

In order to calm down the aggravated tissue, we need to open up the space in your shoulder. First, start by resting your arms on arm rests at your desk. When lying down at night, place a small towel roll or pillow under the arm that is causing you pain.

Lastly, here is a simple exercise to start opening up the space in your shoulder:

Scapular Retractions

Slowly pull back, activating the muscles in between your shoulder blades. Try to relax your neck muscles while performing this exercise. Hold for 3 seconds, perform two sets of 10.

Brill Physical Therapy Self-Test

Check Your Balance

Balance is very important in everything you do. This self-test will help reveal the power and strength of the muscles in your lower extremities. Here is a quick test to see how good your balance is.

1)    Place a piece of paper on the floor as your mark.

2)    Stand on one foot and jump up and down 10 times. (Make sure that you land with a slightly bent knee.)

3)    Switch to the opposite foot and repeat.

Evaluate your results!

Did you miss the paper when landing or have other trouble completing this jumping? This means your balance is not as good as it could be. Balance requires strong feet and ankles and motor control, as well as abdominal and overall leg strength.

Alert! Stop sitting; it may just lengthen your life.

Sit Less, Live Longer?

We at Brill would like to reach out to all of our patients (especially those of you who sit and work at a desk for a living, which is… all of you?) to let you know about a very enlightening article that was printed in the New York Times on September 17 (by Gretchen Reynolds). It tells of a Swedish medical study that links the two ideas of lengthening cell life and sitting less. This study was published in the British Journal of Sports Medicine, and it set out to correlate between exercise, non-exercise-daily-activities and the length of telomeres in the white blood cells. “Telomeres?” you may ask, “Of what importance are they to me?” We generally understand that our bodies grow older through a long process of the cells of our bodies aging. One particularly recognizable marker of cell aging is the breakdown, or fraying, of our DNA strands. These strands have special bindings at the ends (like your shoelaces) called telomeres. The breakdown of the telomeres does not always progress linearly with time. Some poor health habits or other stressful conditions can hasten the early breakdown, while more healthy activities may actually preserve telomere length or even possibly promote lengthening – in essence postponing the onset of the aging process.

In the experiment the Swedish scientists (Sjogren, P., et al.) used a group of 49 people, all aged 68, and described as being sedentary and overweight. They measured the length of the telomeres in their white blood cells, and then split them into two groups. In one group, the volunteers began a specific exercise program, and were advised to sit less. The other group were to continue with their normal activities, but were asked to try to lose weight and lead as healthy a lifestyle as they could. Six months later all the subjects were brought in to fill out a detailed questionnaire about their activities, and they had a second blood draw.

The outcome was predictable in some ways. It showed that the group that was asked to just lose weight and live more healthily showed shortening of the telomeres. But interestingly, the subjects in the other group who reporting sitting much less showed significantly longer telomeres, in some cases the cells even seemed to have grown younger than on the first measure. However, in that same group, the subjects who reported exercising the most did not show specific lengthening of the telomeres, and in some cases had shortening of the telomeres when compared to those who exercised less but stood up more.

Now we in the physical therapy field all have learned that the position in which the spine takes the most pressure through it is the sitting position. We are actually putting an axial compressive force through our spines when we sit, which the spine was not originally made for. So this makes a certain sense to us. Now when we ask you to take breaks throughout your day from sitting at your desk, and either to stand or walk around, you have yet another reason to follow our advice.


Check out Andrew’s Youtube video:

Having Back Pain? Get Instant Relief

Check out this great article about back problems.

Everybody either has or will have back pain in their lifetime.

Peggy Brill has had recurring back pain since the age of 13 and has suffered 5 herniated discs but never had back surgery.  Her pain motivated her to write The Core Program. This book is filled with exercises to help relieve pain and has already helped hundreds of thousands. Make sure to grab a copy! Relief can be yours. 

Here is a simple exercise that can help you get some instant relief from back pain.

Standing Backward Bend

  1. Stand with your legs shoulder-width apart.

  2. Place your hands on your buttocks, with your fingers pointing downwards.

  3. Stretch back as far as you comfortable can, with our face lifted towards the ceiling.

  4. Return upright slowly

  5. Repeat 10 times. Try to bend a little farther with each repetition.

Brill PT Helps Parkinson’s Patients

What is Parkinson’s Disease?

Parkinson’s Disease is a chronic and progressive neurologic disorder, however, research has shown that early intervention with physical therapy can be helpful in slowing the progression of symptoms. While the exact cause is unknown, scientists believe that certain genetic and environmental factors lead to the damage of the dopamine receptors in the brain responsible for movement control.  Brill Physical Therapy offers smart care for the best results of restoring mobility and addressing the effects of Parkinson’s.


What are the symptoms of Parkinson’s Disease?


There are currently an estimated one million individuals living with Parkinson’s Disease in the United States, with approximately four percent receiving their diagnosis before the age of 50.  Symptoms differ greatly from person to person, however, the most common movement symptoms are:

  1. Resting Tremor in Hand or Foot

  2. Slow Movement of Facial Expression and Walking

  3. Tight Muscles and Trunk Stiffness

  4. Bent Over Posture

How can Brill Physical Therapy help?


Brill Physical Therapy can help patients with Parkinson’s Disease by enhancing walking, balance, strength and flexibility.  We design a customized 5-15 minute home exercise program (supported by evidence) to fit each patient and target the areas affected the most since each patient presents differently.


Here at Brill Physical Therapy, we have developed a treatment regimen to help patient’s cope with Parkinson’s Disease and help slow the rate of  symptoms.  Since trunk mobility can be such a big issue with patients, we would like to share one simple exercise to help keep you moving:


Lying Spinal Twists

Lying on your back with both knees bent, slowly let your knees fall to one side as you exhale.  Hold for 10 seconds, then slowly let your legs fall to the other side.  Repeat 3 times on both sides alternating.  This will help you stretch your back safely.